Embroiderers' Guild of America, New England Region
Connecticut River Valley Chapter
Program Registration Forms
CRVC Program Registration Form
Snow Day -- December 7th, 2024

Mail completed form and check (made payable to CRVC-EGA) to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002
Deadline: October 1st, 2024 for Brrr
Deadline: December 1st, 2024 for open attendance

Snow Day

    __________Brrr hand-painted canvas, stitch guide, threads and beads: $146.50
                          (CRVC and PVC member fee)
    __________Brrr hand-painted canvas, stitch guide, threads and beads: $182.00
                          (non-member fee)
    __________Brrr hand-painted canvas and stitch guide only: $88.00
    __________Pomegranate Stocking by Rosewood Manor (chart link will be provided)
    __________Sparkly Snowman by Debbie Rowley (chart link will be provided)

  Name:     __________________________________________________________________
  Address: __________________________________________________________________
  Email:     __________________________________________________________________
  Phone#:  ________________________________________

© 2024 -- CRVC-EGA