May 2022
EGA Logo

Remember that dues are now paid annually by May 1st as the membership year runs from June 1 to May 31.  Please use the coupon below to renew your membership as soon as possible.

Saturday, June 4th, 2022           Zoom Class with Wendy Moore
Saturday, June 11th, 2022         "A Livelier Bargello Iris"

This class will be offered via Zoom on consecutive Saturdays for 3 hours on each day.  Because we are zooming for shorter time periods, these three hours will be mostly instruction with limited stitching.  The class is considered intermediate in level and is stitched on 18-count light blue vintage mono canvas.  The design size is 10 1/2” x 15 1/2”.  The kit cost is $95 and includes the 16” x 20” line drawn canvas, threads to include straw silks, Waterlilies, and solid and over-dyed cotton floss and pearl cotton, instruction booklet, and needles.

Students will need to provide:
            16” x 20” stretcher bars (one pair of each)
            tacks or staples
            laying tool
            usual stitching supplies
            light and magnification, if desired

Schedule for each day:
            10am to 1pm - Class with Wendy (there may be a short break during this period)
                        Join the group during the ten minutes before the class.

*The deadline for signing up for this piece has passed, but Wendy may have an extra kit if you’d like to join the class.  Please contact Linda Berry at as soon as possible.

Saturday, October 1st, 2022       Christmas Tree Ornament

We will meet via Zoom to work on the Mini Tree Ornament described in the December 2021 issue of Needle Arts.  This ornament was designed by Mary Waldsmith, and the instructions begin on page 28.  Please make sure you locate and retain this issue for use at this meeting.  A piece of green canvas will be mailed in September to class participants, and the threads will be provided by you from your stash.

A coupon is provided for this meeting.

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022       Snowman Ornament

This meeting will also meet via Zoom.  The Winter Snowman ornament that we will work on is in the Jan/Feb 2022 issue of Needlepoint Now.  If you have this issue, please save it for the directions.  If you need a copy of the magazine, we have them for your purchase.  For this class, we will supply the canvas in November and hope that you can find the threads needed in your supplies.

A coupon is provided for this meeting.

Saturday, February 4th, 2023           Zoom Class with Celeste Chalasani
Saturday, March 4th, 2023                         "Tidal Treasures"

Tidal Treasures:  Some of my fondest memories are of walking along the beach picking up sea shells.  As the waves gently roll in, I search the sandy beach to see what treasure I might discover.  Each shell is a mystery, a question of what sea creature once inhabited it.  In this class, you will create your own tidal treasures: a starfish needle minder, a sea urchin pin cushion and scallop needle book.

Skill Level:  Advanced
Registration form will be in the September issue.

CRVC has been invited to the Granby Public Library in November for our fourth display there.  This one is titled "We're Back! Recent Pieces from the Embroiderers' Guild." The focus is on any pieces you've finished since March 2020.  They can be any technique, any style, big (not TOO big), small, intricate, simple.  They can be from our Zoom workshops, or from your old stash of kits and unfinished projects that you finally pulled out and polished off, or original pieces.  The only criterion is that you finished them since the first pandemic lockdown.
We'll collect the pieces in October, and get them back home in December.  Most pieces will be displayed inside locked cases, so even the smallest ornaments will be secure.  For each piece, please provide the title, designer (if known), your name, and any brief comments you want to make about it (i.e. "I started this at a Region Day 15 years ago!").  You may loan us up to three pieces (five if they're small).
If you've never participated in a display with us before, please consider joining us in this one!  Contact Kathryn Lord at for information about having your pieces picked up and returned.

NER’S Special Class in September

NER has been accepted by the International Teacher Tour to host Hazel Blomkamp on September 24-25.  She will be teaching “The First Sip” as seen above.  Information about registering for this class is expected in late May or June, so please watch for notification at that time.


FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS   via Zoom   (All members are welcome)
Contact Judie Solomon (see website) if you want an invitation to these meetings

September 13th       November 1st



CRVC Program Registration Form -- Zoom Class
"A Livelier Bargello Iris" with Wendy Moore -- June 4th & June 11th

Either email Linda at or mail completed form and check to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002
Deadline - March 1st (extra kit may be available)

"A Livelier Bargello Iris" with Wendy Moore

    __________$95 member kit fee  (Check made payable to CRVC-EGA)
    __________$115 non-member kit fee
Name:     ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Email:     ____________________________________________________________________
Phone#:  ________________________________________

CRVC Program Registration Form -- Zoom Class
"Mini Tree Ornament" by Mary Waldsmith -- October 1st

Either email Linda at or mail completed form to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002

"Mini Tree Ornament" by Mary Waldsmith

    __________Please send me a piece of canvas
Name:     ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Email:     ____________________________________________________________________
Phone#:  ________________________________________

CRVC Program Registration Form -- Zoom Class
"Snowman Ornament" -- December 3rd

Either email Linda at or mail completed form and check to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002

"Snowman Ornament"

    __________Please send me a copy of Needlepoint Now ($5)
                            (Check made payable to CRVC-EGA)
    __________Please send me a piece of canvas
Name:     ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Email:     ____________________________________________________________________
Phone#:  ________________________________________

CRVC-EGA Membership

$57. Primary Membership
$15. Plural Membership (NER)
$18. Plural Membership (not NER)

For a membership card, please enclose a SASE.

Amt. Pd. ____________

Check #  ____________

Date Pd. ____________
    (keep as your receipt)


CRVC-EGA Membership and Address Change Form

The membership year runs from June 1 to May 31.  If you are joining after
September 1, please contact the membership chairman for prorated dues.

Mail your completed form and check to:  Linda Berry, CRVC-EGA Membership, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002
Make check payable to CRVC-EGA.  Enclose SASE for membership card.

        __ Address/Email Change
        __ CRVC Primary Membership ($57)
        __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter in New England Region ($15)
        __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter not in New England Region ($18)

Name:           ____________________________________________________

Address:       ____________________________________________________

City, ST, ZIP ____________________________________________________

Phone:          _________________ Email:______________________________

Primary Chapter: _________________________________________________

Membership No.  _______________________   Total Enclosed $___________