March 2020

Please note the location for our meetings is Thistle Needleworks at 506 Silas Deane Highway in Wethersfield, CT.  The dates for meetings will be the first Saturdays of the even months, except August.  Directions to the store are on the Thistle Needleworks website.

Remember that dues are now paid annually by May 1st as the membership year runs from June 1 to May 31.  Please use the coupon below to renew your membership as soon as possible.

*** This meeting has been cancelled, and the program for this day and our elections will take place at the June meeting ***

Saturday, April 4th, 2020 (Annual Meeting)
                                  "Rozashi Day"

We will spend our meeting time looking through lots of patterns and information on Rozashi from materials donated by Ginny Currie.  Each of us will choose a pattern, set up the fabric, select the threads, kit them up and begin stitching during the rest of the meeting.  Hopefully we will have finished pieces to show at a fall meeting.

As this is our annual meeting, we will elect officers for the next two years.  The slate is as follows:
                          President:  Laurie Sulgur
                          Vice President (Program):  Lisa Green
                          Vice President (Membership):  Linda Berry
                          Secretary:  Kathryn Lord
                          Treasurer:  Linda Berry
                          NER Rep:  Kathryn Lord

Location:  Thistle Needleworks in Wethersfield, CT
Schedule for the day:
                10 AM to 10:30 AM         Board meeting
  10:30 to 12:30 PM   Review of Rozashi materials
  12:30 to 1:30 PM   Lunch, Show and Tell, and Annual Meeting
  1:30 to 3:30 PM   Continue stitching of Rozashi patterns

A coupon is provided for this meeting.

Saturday, June 6th, 2020
      This program will take place at a fall meeting, the date of which is to be determined.
                      Circles: Theme and Variations - Pattern by Lois Kershner

This is a pattern which explores canvas embroidery stitches in a circle motif.  The monochromatic color flows around the circle as it makes a gradual shift in value from dark to light.  Stitched in a blue hue, the pattern mimics a large ocean wave cresting, then splashing into white foam.  The piece is designed to be mounted on the lid of a 7-inch circular box, but it could also be framed.  It is stitched on white 18 count canvas.

Please let Linda know if you would like a pattern for this piece.  A coupon is provided for this meeting.


Boston Stitch Party
EGA 2020 National Seminar
September 4-8, 2020

Check out the EGA website.  Pictures and descriptions of all of the pieces are online as well as information about the activities included in the seminar weekend.

Volunteers will be needed, and information about getting involved will be forthcoming.  If you are making a tea cozy for the region exhibit, keep working on it.  Forms with information about your piece will be requested in June.


Just before Valentine’s Day, our hearts were broken as we lost another active member and dear friend, Nancy Bancroft.  This picture is of her speaking at the reception for our exhibit at Seabury in March of last year.  She joined CRVC in the late 1970s and was primarily a behind-the-scenes worker.  She was at nearly every meeting and workshop (if it was a counted technique) for decades, and was a de facto Board member for years before agreeing to bring her shorthand skills to the position of Secretary in 2014, stepping aside less than a year ago for health reasons.  She took on every By-Laws update and revision that was required in this century.  She researched vendors for the best deals and food quality to order our lunches while we met at Duncaster.  She was a talented and meticulous stitcher, still working on a hardanger piece just days before her passing.  Those of us who saw her demonstrate bobbin weaving will never forget it.  And we will never forget her easy humor and updates on Wiggles.


FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS   (All members are welcome)
April 4th     June 6th       September 15th     December 5th


CRVC Program Registration Form
"Rozashi Day" at Thistle Needleworks - rescheduled to June 6th

Either email Linda at or mail completed form to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

"Rozashi Day"

________ I plan to attend.

Name:     ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone#: ________________________________________

CRVC Program Registration Form
"Circles" Box at Thistle Needleworks - date to be determined

Either email Linda at or mail completed form to:
Linda Berry, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

"Circles" Box

________ I plan to attend and would like a pattern for this piece.

Name:     ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone#: ________________________________________

CRVC-EGA Membership

$57. Primary Membership
$15. Plural Membership (NER)
$18. Plural Membership (not NER)

For a membership card, please enclose a SASE.

Amt. Pd. ____________

Check #  ____________

Date Pd. ____________
    (keep as your receipt)


CRVC-EGA Membership and Address Change Form

The membership year runs from June 1 to May 31.  If you are joining after
September 1, please contact the membership chairman for prorated dues.

Mail your completed form to:  Linda Berry, CRVC-EGA Membership, 343 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002.
Make check payable to CRVC-EGA.  Enclose SASE for membership card.

        __ Address/Email Change
        __ CRVC Primary Membership ($57)
        __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter in New England Region ($15)
        __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter not in New England Region ($18)

Name:             ____________________________________________________

Address:        ____________________________________________________

City, ST,ZIP  ____________________________________________________

Phone:           _________________ Email:______________________________

Primary Chapter:   ________________________________________________

Membership No.  _______________________   Total Enclosed $___________