WWW.CRVC-EGA.ORGJust a reminder....Let Lisa Green know at if you have a new email account.
October Meeting: Saturday, October 16th (Note: 3rdSaturday)
Join us as we begin a new year at Linda Berry's home in West Hartford. Rachel Atkinson will be teaching "Snooze and Lose", a part of the piece below, if you wish to join in. The napping rabbit in the foreground is surrounded by flowering plants, worked in cross stitch, padded slanted Gobelin whipped spiders and needle-weaving with leaf forms in both counted and free stitches. The hare is worked using shaded tent stitches with two different threads in the needle (stranded cotton floss and a mohair/nylon blend) which will be brushed to resemble fur when the stitching is completed. With all of the stitches in place, the canvas will be backed with muslin so that the hare's body may be raised and stuffed in trapunto. His fore parts will be padded more fully than those in back. A fine velour thread is used for the inner ears and nose. The cost of the instruction is $20, and a kit fee of $20 will be collected at class. See a picture of the original design on our website.
Please bring something for show and tell. We suggest a stitching tool that you find useful along with a piece that you have finished recently.
We plan to meet from 10 AM to 3 PM, and, weather permitting, we will be outside for lunch. That will be at noon, so bring along a bag lunch. For directions to Linda's, please contact her at or 860-521-9709. All members are encouraged to come, even if you only wish to sit and stitch.
December Meeting: Saturday, December 11th
Our festive December meeting will take place at the Village Tavern in Old Wethersfield. This is the former Standish House, a white colonial house across from the Congregational Church and two doors down from the Keeney Center. It's address is 222 Main Street.
Beginning at 10:30 AM, we will stitch on holiday ornaments in the morning and the afternoon, using simple quick ideas that you can work easily. One will be a tuten, a Victorian ornament in the shape of a cornucopia that was traditionally filled with candy. This will be worked on counted fabric in blackwork patterns and in various colors. Another very different ornament will be done on metallic paper and will be double-sided. It will be worked in a variety of bargello patterns in Christmas colors. Bring magnifying if needed. With lunch from 12 to 1, we will work until 3 PM, leaving with some finished items, lots of ideas and several suitable patterns. All members are encouraged to come, even if you only wish to sit and stitch on your own piece.
Please bring something for show and tell. We suggest an old class project that you either finished or did not and a piece that you have finished recently.
February Meeting: Saturday, February 12th
Our meeting this month will be a working one. We will start on the patterns that many of us ordered at the June meeting. They are "A Very Special Pansy" by Sue Sprake and "Heart of My Heart" by Margaret Kinsey. Both of these patterns may be seen in the June 2004 Needle Arts magazine (pages 1 and 24), and the "Heart" pattern may be seen on the EGA website at More information will be available in the next newsletter.
Thistle Needleworks is sponsoring a booth at Glastonbury's 30th Annual Apple Harvest Festival to be held this year on Saturday, October 16th and Sunday, October 17th. At this booth we will be raising money for Stitch To WIN, a program linked to the nonprofit WIN-ABC organization -- Women's Informational Network Against Breast Cancer. You may know this organization as the group which lobbied the US Congress to produce and support the Breast Cancer postage stamp.
At the Apple Festival we will have four activities -- two for experienced cross stitchers and needlepointers and two for potential stitchers new to cross stitch or needlepoint. For a donation to Stitch To WIN (amount yet to be determined), Festival attendees will have the opportunity to stitch an inch on a cross stitch or needlepoint reproduction of the breast cancer stamp or receive a small beginner kit and a few minutes of instruction in either cross stitch or needlepoint. All monies collected will be donated to Stitch To WIN -- Thistle Needleworks is covering all expenses, but not keeping any of the monies.
We would greatly appreciate the help of CRVC members to donate an hour or two to help "man" the booth -- to assist stitchers on the banners and to give quickie 15-minute "make it and take it" lessons to new stitchers. The hours of the Festival are 10am to 5pm on both days. We plan to have membership flyers in the booth, so you may also be asked about our organization. To volunteer, please contact the shop at 860-633-8503.
Thank you in advance for you interest and help in supporting breast cancer research and education.
Membership News
The membership of the following members will expire in September. Check to see if your name is here and if you find it, send along your check to Suzanne. We don't want to lose you!
Stitching Getaways: On Tuesday, Oct. 11th, the West Side Day group will be meeting from 10 AM to 1:30 PM at Suzanne Newton's house in West Simsbury. Bring along your lunch and a project you are working on and/or any project you would like to share. Please email or phone Suzanne at or 860-658-2037 if you plan to attend. The November date for this group is Nov. 9th.
The East Side Day group will not set a date to meet in the next month. If you are interested in finding another day and time to get together, contact Susan at or 860-643-8119.
Pequot Colony Group is an existing area group that meets from 9:30am to 11:30am on the third Thursday of every month (Sept. 16th, Oct. 21st and Nov. 18th) at the New London Library. They work in different media, most of them stitching on workshop pieces that they have started. The set meeting day provides a time when old friends know they can meet for a morning of work and visiting. They welcome anyone who would like to join them. The library is easy to find, and Doris Boas ( will be happy to send instructions to the building.
NEW ENGLAND REGION SEMINAR-APRIL 1-3, 2005...... Remember to keep these dates for the 2005 NER Seminar to be held in Newport, RI. |
$10 CRVC Program Coupon $10
This coupon is valid for $10 OFF of the October class fee.
Coupon is not redeemable for cash. Good for all CRVC-EGA members. Submit coupon with program registration.
CRVC-EGA Program Saturday, October 16, 2004 "Snooze and Lose" Amt. Pd.______________ CRVC Program Registration Form -- October Meeting Mail completed form to: Laurie Roys, CRVC Registrar, 70 Kimball Lane, Torrington, CT 06790. Make check payable to CRVC-EGA. "Snooze and Lose" taught by Rachel Atkinson _________ Class fee - $20 Kit fee of $20 will be collected at the class. Name:
____________________________________________________ Questions? Contact Laurie at 860-489-0225 or E-mail |
CRVC-EGA Program Saturday, December 11, 2004 Holiday Meeting Lunch and Ornaments Amt. Pd.______________ CRVC Program Registration Form -- December Meeting Mail completed form to: Laurie Roys, CRVC Registrar, 70 Kimball Lane, Torrington, CT 06790. Make check payable to CRVC-EGA. Holiday Ornaments -- led by Suzanne Newton _________ Lunch - $20 Materials fee -- Approx. $5 will be collected at the class. Name:
____________________________________________________ Questions? Contact Laurie at 860-489-0225 or E-mail |
CRVC-EGA Membership $37. Primary
Membership For a membership card, please enclose a SASE. Amt. Pd. ____________ Check # ____________ Date Pd. ____________ |
CRVC-EGA Membership and Address Change Form Mail your completed form to: Suzanne Newton, CRVC-EGA Membership, 14 Madison Lane, West Simsbury, CT 06092. Make check payable to CRVC-EGA. Enclose SASE for membership card. __ Address Change Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City, ST,ZIP ____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email:________________________ Primary Chapter: ________________________________________________ Membership No. _______________________ Total Enclosed $___________ A Short Questionnaire: Can you volunteer your time to CRVC: __ yes __ no Do you have experience with (circle): Would you like to participate on a Program Committee? __ yes __ no Other interests or ways you may want to volunteer: _______________________________ |
Basket for Seminar 2005 in Newport
We have a theme for our basket -- "Stitching By The Sea". We also have the basket and a few goodies to start with. However, we need some contributions. If you have any sea related kits, designs, books, accessories and/or any kinds of threads and tools that you would like to bring to the next meeting, please help us create an appealing potpourri of items. This basket will be a part of the teacup auction for seminar participants. CRVC will receive half of the proceeds for our basket, so give us a hand. We will be a winner if we look good! Contributions will be most welcome at the October, December and February meetings, so bring in donations to any of these meetings.
Join us for our next general meeting on October 16th!
The Frog design below is one that was used as a chapter project more than 20 years ago. We have handed out copies of the full sized drawing to members at the June meeting with the plan that this time around, we will bring our finished products to the APRIL 2005 meeting. Get planning now. The actual size that was handed out fills an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, but you can enlarge or reduce it as you wish. Be a part of the fun.....bring your creation to the Annual Meeting in April.