November 2004


Just a reminder....Let Lisa Green know at if you have a new email account.


By now you have all received your brochure for Seminar 2005!  What a marvelous site and what exciting classes.  You have a perfect chance to end the winter blahs with a treat for yourself.  The hotel sits perched right on the water, and you will have lots of windows to take in the coming of spring.  A welcome social on Friday evening will give you a chance to enjoy a mini merchandise night with items for sale by teachers and chapters.  The accommodations and food at the hotel should be terrific, and if you like a chance to take a stroll or two, here is an exciting locale to wander around.  Most of all, this is a wonderful time to meet old friends and new, those who like to stitch and talk about the stitching world and all the new things that are happening in it.

If you get your registration in by December 1st, you will have the best chance of getting into your first choice of classes.  Don't delay.  Julia, Linda, Suzanne and Lisa are already registered, so if you need a ride, get in touch with one of them.

See you there!

EGA Seminar in Minneapolis

Several of us are freshly back from a very enjoyable seminar in a very interesting city.  The Hyatt Regency was an excellent facility for such an event.  There were lots of places to eat, lots of easy walks from the hotel into the heart of Mary Tyler Moore territory, and lots of very pleasant people running the seminar.  CRVC members who attended were Bonnie Zink, Rachel Atkinson, Pat Heinze, Julia Appell, Lisa Green and, the special attendee of the seminar, Cele Foley, who kept her attendance record running with this being her 30th National Seminar.  Cele was able to attend even though she had undergone hip surgery just three weeks earlier!

Basket for Seminar 2005 in Newport

We have a theme for our basket -- "Stitching By The Sea".  We also have the basket and a few goodies to start with.  However, we need some contributions.  If you have any sea related kits, designs, books, accessories and/or any kinds of threads and tools that you would like to bring to the next meeting, please help us create an appealing potpourri of items.  This basket will be a part of the teacup auction for seminar participants.  CRVC will receive half of the proceeds for our basket, so give us a hand.  We will be a winner if we look good!  Contributions will be most welcome at the December and February meetings, so please bring in a donation at either time.

December Meeting: Saturday, December 11th

Our festive December meeting will take place at the Village Tavern in Old Wethersfield.  This is the former Standish House, a white colonial house across from the Congregational Church and two doors down from the Keeney Center.  Its address is 222 Main Street.

Beginning at 10:30 AM, we will stitch on holiday ornaments in the morning and the afternoon, using simple quick ideas that you can work easily.  One will be a tuten, a Victorian ornament in the shape of a cornucopia that was traditionally filled with candy.  This will be worked on counted fabric in blackwork patterns and in various colors.  Another very different ornament will be done on metallic paper and will be double-sided.  It will be worked in a variety of bargello patterns in Christmas colors.

Materials to bring: 18ct. Aida if you have it on hand (pieces will be available at meeting); Watercolours in any colors (not necessary that they are Christmas colors); blending filament in gold and silver or to match or accent; floss in any colors (Christmas colors are suggested), keeping in mind that the background will be cream or white; scissors; 20, 22, and 24 tapestry needles and a small sharp needle.  Bring magnifying if needed.

With lunch from 12 to 1, we will work until 3 PM, leaving with some finished items, lots of ideas and several suitable patterns.  All members are encouraged to come, even if you only wish to sit and stitch on your own piece.

Please bring something for show and tell.  We suggest an old class project that you either finished or did not and a piece that you have finished recently.

Stitching Getaways: We are going to try a new scheduling for the West Side Day and Evening groups.  They will meet in the months that we do not have a chapter meeting, and a focus for each meeting is listed below. (There will be NO meeting in December.)



Jan. 11 Julia Appell will discuss her ICC Jan. 25 Julia and Chris Paul will discuss their ICC
March 8 Suzanne Newton will discuss how to design and paint a canvas March 22 Suzanne will discuss canvas applique
May 10 Linda Berry will discuss beading May 24 Nancy Bancroft will demonstrate bobbin lace
Sept. 13 Lisa Green will discuss Japanese embroidery Sept. 27 Linda will discuss beading
Nov. 8 Kathryn Lord will demonstrate triple matting Nov. 22 Julia will discuss finishing of small counted thread items

The West Side Day group will be meeting from 10 AM to 1:30 PM at Suzanne Newton's house in West Simsbury.  Bring along your lunch and a project you are working on and/or any project you would like to share.  Please email or phone Suzanne at or 860-658-2037 if you plan to attend.

The West Side Evening group will meet at Julia Appell's house in Farmington from 6:30 PM to 9 PM.  For those coming from work, bring your supper or a sandwich.  Also, bring along a stitching project or something you would like help with or are willing to share.  Please contact Julia at or 860-677-9125.

The East Side Day group will not set a date to meet in the next month.  If you are interested in finding another day and time to get together, contact Susan at or 860-643-8119.

Pequot Colony Group is an existing area group that meets from 9:30am to 11:30am on the third Thursday of every month at the New London Library.  They work in different media, most of them stitching on workshop pieces that they have started.  The set meeting day provides a time when old friends know they can meet for a morning of work and visiting.  They welcome anyone who would like to join them.  The library is easy to find, and Doris Boas ( will be happy to send instructions to the building.

February Meeting: Saturday, February 12th

Our meeting this month will be a working one.  We will start on the patterns that were ordered by the following people at the June meeting:

  "A Very Special Pansy" by Sue Sprake($2.60) "Heart of My Heart" by Margaret Kinsey($11)
    Suzanne Newton     Nancy Earel
Janet Kirk Cele Foley
Nancy Earel Kathryn Lord
Kathy Steinwedell Chris Paul
Doris Boas Julia Appell
Kathryn Lord Mim Schenker
Julia Appell Lisa Green
Mim Schenker  
Lisa Green  

Please plan to bring the following supplies for the pattern you will begin along with your usual stitching items.

Supply List for "Heart of My Heart"

You will need:                     8 x 8 in. square 22-count congress cloth

2 skeins primary color silk or cotton

Accentuate #023

1 skein pale color in the same color family

1 spool 002J Kreinik metallic braid #8

1 skein gold silk or cotton

1 spool gold silk couching thread

1 spool pearl silk or cotton

2 sets #8 needlepoint frames

Blending filament: 1 spool of each # 012, 012HL

Assorted needles sizes: 1 - #10 crewel, 2 - #24 tapestry, 1 - #26 tapestry,1 - #18 chenille (for sinking thread ends)

Pygma pen (black ink) - .005 point or artist pencil HB or 2H


List of Threads and substitutes


BlueViolet: Pearsall's #042

Soie de Paris #3335

  Eterna #2650

Silk Mori #6106

Lightest b/v 040

Pearsall's 040



Olive Brown 134

Zwicky 2110



Old Gold Royal Blue 327

Soie Perlee* 012




Blue Violet DMC           208

Anchor      109

Lightest b/v                    211


Old Gold                         729


Royal Blue     Pearl**     796


Additional threads needed to complete:


Blending Filament            012


#8 Braid                              002J

Silk couching thread         gold

Access Commodities: Accentuate 032

* 2 strands silk floss can be substituted for the silk pearl

** 2 strands cotton (6 stranded) can be substituted for the pearl cotton

Supply List for "A Very Special Pansy"

You will need:  A piece of tightly woven fabric approx. 40 cms. x 40 cms. (finished design is about 4 ½ x 6 inches), needles (chenille #22, straw #9 and 2 embroidery needles #8) and the threads listed below.  Many of them are imported rayons and are available at Thistle Needleworks.  Sue Sprake suggests that we use a Flossmate (i.e. a small plastic box with a damp sponge inside) as it is extremely helpful when embroidering with DMC Rayons as by pulling the thread over the sponge, they become straight and easier to work with.

1. Pansy

       a. Petals:  DMC Rayons No. 30307 Lemon, 30972 Deep Canary, 30741 Medium Tangarine, 30211 Light Lavender, 30553 Violet and 30552 Medium Violet.  Also Perle No. 5 for outlining petals

       b. Flower Center:  DMC Rayons No. 30310 Black, DMC Floss No. 920 Rust and 3348 Light Green

2. Pansy Stem and Leaf:

       a. Stem:  Perle No. 5 for padding the stem, DMC Rayon No. 30895 Very Dark Hunter Green

       b. Leaf:  Perle No. 5 for outlining leaf, DMC Rayon No. 30504 Light Blue Green, 30913 Medium Nile Green, 30909 Very Dark Emerald Green, 30895 very Dark Hunter Green, (for veins) 30301 Medium Mahogany and 30434 Light Brown

3. Bell Shaped Flower, Bud and Leaves:

       a. Flower and bud:  Perle No. 5 for petals of flower on the left, Chameleon (color Seaspray), DMC Metallic No. 5279, Stamens DMC Metallic No. 4033

       b. Leaves:  DMC Floss No. 469 Avocado Green, 472 Light Avocado Green

4. Spray of Leaves Above the Pansy:  DMC Rayons No. 30704 Bright Chartreuse, 30367 Dark Pistachio Green

5. Wispy Leaves:  DMC Rayons No. 30471 Very Light Avocado Green, 30580 Dark Moss Green, 30434 Light Brown, 33371 Black Brown, DMC Metallics No. 5282 Gold and 5279 Copper

6. Small Flower and Leaves to the Left of the Pansy:

       a. Flower:  DMC Rayons No. 30996 Medium Electric Blue, 30995 Dark Electric Blue, 30820 Very Dark Royal Blue and (center) 30352 Light Coral

       b. Leaves:  DMC Rayons No. 30976 Medium Golden Brown and 30435 Light Brown

7. Leaf on the Right-Hand Side of the Pansy:  Perle No. 5 for outlining leaf, DMC Rayons 30472 Ultra Light Avocado Green, 30580 Dark Moss Green, 30469 Avocado Green and 30895 Very Dark Hunter Green

Kindly note that the following colors have been utilized in two or more parts of the design:

       #30895        Pansy stem and leaf; leaf on the right hand side of the pansy (veins)

       #30434        Pansy leaf (veins); wispy leaves

The site of the February meeting will be announced in the January newsletter.

Annual Meeting: Saturday, April 9th

The annual meeting this year will be a potluck luncheon at Julia Appell's home in Farmington.  This is the meeting when we hope everyone will bring their frog design, finished or a work in progress.  You may enlarge or reduce the size of the original design and develop it in any stitching technique.  Join in the fun and share your approach to this exercise.

CRVC-EGA Program
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Holiday Meeting
Lunch and Ornaments

Amt. Pd.______________
Check #______________
Date Pd. ___$20_______
    (keep as your receipt)

CRVC Program Registration Form -- December Meeting

Mail completed form to: Laurie Roys, CRVC Registrar, 70 Kimball Lane, Torrington, CT 06790. Make check payable to CRVC-EGA.

Holiday Ornaments -- led by Suzanne Newton

_________ Lunch - $20     Materials fee -- Approx. $5 will be collected at the class.

Name: ____________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________ Email:________________________
Total Enclosed $________________

Questions? Contact Laurie at 860-489-0225 or E-mail


CRVC-EGA Membership

$37. Primary Membership
$15. Plural Membership (NER)
$18. Plural Membership (not NER)

For a membership card, please enclose a SASE.

Amt. Pd. ____________

Check #  ____________

Date Pd. ____________


CRVC-EGA Membership and Address Change Form

Mail your completed form to: Suzanne Newton, CRVC-EGA Membership, 14 Madison Lane, West Simsbury, CT 06092. Make check payable to CRVC-EGA. Enclose SASE for membership card.

          __ Address Change
          __ CRVC Primary Membership ($37)
          __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter in New England Region ($15)
          __ Plural Membership, Primary Chapter not in New England Region ($18)

Name:            ____________________________________________________

Address:        ____________________________________________________

City, ST,ZIP  ____________________________________________________

Phone:           _______________________ Email:________________________

Primary Chapter:   ________________________________________________

Membership No.  _______________________   Total Enclosed $___________

A Short Questionnaire:
Can you volunteer your time to CRVC:        __ yes          __ no

Do you have experience with (circle):
    Accounting     Computers/MSPublisher     Business/Management     Advertising/Publicity

Would you like to participate on a Program Committee?      __ yes      __ no

Other interests or ways you may want to volunteer: _______________________________


Join us for our next general meeting on December 11th!